Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 2 - Where I'd like to be in 10 years

Still working on getting this done on time, what can you do?  In 10 years?  This is a remarkably hard question for me.  Ideally I would love to be a therapist/photographer.  I finished my degree in Marriage and Family Therapy 2 years ago and still have not been able to find a job due to the recession we are in.  I love the work that I was doing during school and can't imagine myself doing many other things.  The one other thing I can see myself doing is being a full time photographer, but this is a bit of a pipe dream.  Another one of those difficult things to do in a slow economy, and in a  very saturated market place.  Who knows, maybe I will go back to school and work on my doctorate, or a master's in something completely different.  No plans are ever written in stone for me.  All I know is that in 10 years I will be the mother of a very soon to be 16 year old boy, and that is a very scary thought!!

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