Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 3 - My Top 5 Pet Peeves

This one is a challenge for me.  I feel like I don't really have that many pet peeves, but then I really think about it and realize thatI have a lot of them.

#1 - Mean People.  Like the people who know they are being mean and still do it anyway. I try my best everyday to smile and be fairly peaceful and I just don't understand this at all.

#2 - People who ask a lot of stupid questions.  Now I realize I have done this myself, but what I am talking about is when I am sitting in class and a person raises their hand repeatedly to ask something that was just answered.  Or better yet, continue asking it over and over like the response is somehow going to change if they ask enough times.  If you are too dumb to grasp the concepts why are you in the class?!?!

#3 - Obnoxious neighbors.  My neighborhood is filled with them right now.  We have the fence neighbors that have made a wall of cars down our driveway, hte domestic violence neighbors who we have to call the cops on all the time, the parking monitors across the street, and of course the naked chick behind my sister's house (she wanders around the yard naked at night).

#4 - Dirty dishes.  There is nothing good about dishes, I hate doing them, but I hate seeing them sit there in the sink even more. I hate how angry they make me everytime I have to do them.  If I could wish for one type of house keeping to be done that would be it.

#5 - Running Late.  I hate running late, it drives me crazy and stresses me to no end.  I do my best, but I swear I am late more often then I am on time.  Still working on a solution to that.

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